Sunday, February 8, 2015


有些旷野 永远是你自己一个人在走
真的没人 没有一个可以陪你到终点
你不是没相信过 可是你更明白这世界
真的真心过就好 从来不要刻意相信誓言
人总在苦难潦倒时 紧紧抓住 相依偎
事过境迁 谁都想忘记当初 憧憬未来
其实 也实在没关系 微笑再见 真的没关系
谢谢来过的 停留过的 试着去明白的
能走过来多好 不要刻意 或挖掘或回首
所以再见 也或者不要再见 无需掉头回眸
上帝 是你仅有 一直对你最好的那个

Friday, January 9, 2015

First in 2015

It's a never ending struggle... you thought you made it, but you never have made it through anyway...
Nothing is worse than giving up on yourself, knowing that it's wasting everyone's time to focus on how things could get better for you.  There were hands that you grabbed and you chose to let go because you know no one is walking through it with you, even if they say so and they did some how at one point stick with you.  It's not others to be blamed for you incurable disease, maybe not yourself too.  Drifting away from everything, like floating in the air, you feel nothing, nothing to hold, you are alone, again and again.  Whatever others say about making it through, blessing in disguise etc, all seem to be so unfamiliar to you.  You stare blankly at those who share their experience of how much their enjoy their life now than before after been through the whole damn struggle.  You are not judging, you just feel nothing at all, as you were once said that kind of stuff too and look at you now, everything seems to have gone back to normal and you are again slipping away.  And you stop questioning about it now, you somehow realise and expect to have to live with it the whole life til death parted you both, if only death brings it to a stop.