Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Our days isn't countless...

Our days isn't countless, it's countable... I wake up everyday and praise Him for He has done great miracles in my life. I testified to Kent's  parents last night on how God healed my back pain, how I gained my period after it stopped completely for 4 years through prayers (both modern and traditional medicine didn't work), how God has laid his hands on my family... but I am yet to testify about my depression, I believe I'm not ashamed of it. It's just not something that you would simply share with anyone, as it involves so much emotional battle in it.

Kent 's mum questioned me about Kent's baptism last week. They knew I am a Christian and I shared some of my experiences with them sometimes but not about Kent receiving Christ. I believe in testifying God both in words and actions (actions is more reliable than words).  That's what I told one of the youths last week too. See! How great is our Lord. He made me experienced what I said to others immediately. Kent was quiet last night, I wasn't disappointed, I know God has His timing. I did my part to testify Him. I hope too, that all this while when they told others I'm a good daughter-in-law, even if it doesn't glorify God, it has not shamed God.

Kent received Christ in the 10th year of our relationship, when I was healed from my depression (we almost didn't make it in the relationship...). He claimed to witness how great is the Lord and kept telling me that I could not/should not leave God. 

Our discussion ended peacefully, they didn't receive Christ, but I had testified God the same way I did with the rest. The rest, to God, I surrender.

Our days isn't long, time doesn't wait and would not stop for anyone or anything. We don't understand and will never understand His plan. Just like how hopeful some people were when they prayed for Vincent but he just passed on, contradicts to what we hope and want. This life isn't long, but it's enough to allow God to work His miracles in our lives. We were touched by the Holy Spirit to receive God, so easily, with some of us without much affliction, we are the choosen ones who live in a peaceful country despite some man-made political issues, we are safe and still harmonious. We despise some courses and talks offer by the church, even the preachers sometimes, make excuses to not joining any services and fellowhips, complain how bad and difficult things are for us while in some parts of the world, people thirst for gospel, having a bible is difficult than to get a warmth clothes during the winter, some or perhaps many have no chances to get anything like we do, some Christians are killed to stand for God. We are not prefect and nobel, no one is, we are merely sinners as low as dust. But His love is too great that He chose to forgive our ignorance and wait for us...

Nothing in life is greater than He is, not our problems, not our family, spouses/partners, not our pride, beauty, youth, talents and wealth, not even health... whatever He gives, He is capable of taking it all back... Job 1:21 [and said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praise."]

Sorry for being so straightforward sometimes and making myself sounds so perfect, I am NOT! There are days  when you won't see me at all, not at church, not serving at all, because I'm not made perfect by God, perhaps some of you are going through the same thing too (I don't know-shrugged), but whatever it is, He is there, always, waiting faithfully for us to turn to Him, to repent and bow low so He could work in us. Let's encourage each other, walk this through together, because He is the one who stands between us. Whatever I'm sharing and writing here is when I'm physically, mentally and psychologically fit to do it, there are days when I can't do it at all, I need you to share the miracles God has done in your life to remind me once again how great is His love. God doesn't want us to be alone and doesn't want us to live in bitterness, but to experience joy and peace. Let's go home 🏃🏿‍♀🏃🏿‍♂👬👭👫💒 because our time is running low... life is priceless...

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