This little girl experienced the worst in her life, and it helps her to move on, even if she has to do it alone. No matter how much she has changed from the past, this little stubborn and mischievous girl, still gets hurt easily when you say no, when you take her favorite toy away, when you somehow misunderstood her. The difference is she learnt not to cry easily or show too much of her emotions, so you won't feel hurt. She too learnt that she should try to understand you in your shoes instead of hers all the time, though she has to lie to herself sometimes so that you remain as her friend.
She thought everyone is a friend and she acted sometimes too weird to be understood and accepted, she thought that's the way how everyone should love and care for others. A little bit extra honesty, straightforwardness and sincerity. That's what the books and movies say and portray. Guess, that's what made she looks stupid all the time, as she learnt mostly her values from an imaginary world.
She goes to this little wizard friend of her in the deep jungle and this wizard has warned her for hundred thousand million times that as she is different, don't expect others to be different too, it's normal for some people to dislike her and turn away from her no matter how much she care or love for them. And for that many hundred thousand million times too, she thought she understood what she heard, yet she still got herself hurt at the end, like a little injured puppy she ran back into the forest and hid herself. As stupid and naive as she is, she forgets everything once the pain is somehow ceased and there she goes again, running to those she thought could be her play mate, a friend to share her breath and soul with, so there it goes again, the music sings the same tune all over again and again, repeatedly.
She is a little bit tired sometimes, as she never really learned her lesson. She will somehow someday later waves you goodbye, she knows she perhaps is a little bit too much to handle sometimes, she knows what's her real problem is. She knows you don't find her an interesting friend. She knows everything, but still say sorry to you, cracking you stupid jokes and cherish all the friendships she found along the way, because she can't be somebody else, she is always the playful girl who gives out and forgets about herself easily, and that she too often forgets about the cruel world she lives in. This is because the first thing she learned from the book called bible says "For this is the message which you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another;" [ John 3:11 ]
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